
Monday, June 2, 2014

Bacon Fest Cape Town - a web review

I wasn't at Bacon Fest Cape Town on Friday night, so everything I have to say below is based on what I've read in comments on the Wembley Taps Facebook page.

First, I was very upset I would not be able to attend the Cape Town Bacon Fest. It was help at The Wembley Tap in Cape Town. All the hype on their Facebook page leading up to the event looked awesome!
Tickets sold out but possibly some available at the door.
Bacon beers that would be available.
Pictures of chocolate Bacon being made.

And then the reviews afterwards.
I was first made aware of something not being quite right when I saw a comment posted on the previous Bacon Fest Cape Town post. Someone posted, basically saying what a disapointment it was.

"This was the most disappointing thing ever!! For R150 you get a paper plate with little pork on, and one small bacon bear tasting!! There is nobody who explains to you how it works!! This is a rip off!!! The advert says you get 5 taster tickets and a pork plate!! I did not get what was promised to me!! "

So I went and checked out the Wembley Taps Facebook page again and all I saw were some serious complaints and people asking for their money back.
I've taken some screenshots - see below - as it seems the Wembley Tap was not too keen on the negative publicity was had been removing any negative comments from the page.

The Wembley Tap has now taken to replying to some of the criticism on their Facebook page by asking people to email them directly so they can sort it out - but by the sounds of things they are just trying to get the comments off the Facebook page and out of the public eye.

As I have said - I wasn't there. But from what I can see it was not a very big success.
How can something so great be made into such a disaster?

Hopefully I'll have a more in-depth review, by someone who was there, in the next few days.

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